<aside> ✌🏿 The most important part of the application. This includes everything outside what is mandated by your curriculum. Anything, really: Hockey Co-captain, Editor of a Plant Science Journal, Year 12 Representative for the Afro-Caribbean Society, Founder of the Magic Club, creation of an app.


First, understand generally what US colleges are looking for.

In short, there are four main characteristics that constitute what a 'good' extra-curricular activity is. They are, roughly in order of importance: passion, leadership, initiative, and commitment. “Should I spend my time playing Tennis to make my application stronger?” Does it fulfill at least 3 of the 4 characteristics? If not, maybe try/switch it out for something else that does. The name of the game is quality over quantity here. You're better off submitting 6 high-quality ECs than 10 'okay' ones (high-quality meaning, fulfilling 3+ out of the 4). MIT actually only allows a max of 5 ECs in their application, encouraging students to present their most meaningful EC pursuits. Does listing 5 instead of 10 ECs mean your application is weaker? No. They show they understand that one student can not be meaningfully invested in 10 individual extra-curricular pursuits.

Here is an example of your competition to top universities [click]

<aside> 👨🏿‍💻 US unis are built like businesses. They're kind of looking for students who will be the 'next big thing'. They see you as an investment opportunity. Giving you a place at their college, especially if you're on $300K of financial aid, is an investment **- are you worth it?



Princeton dean: “We look for qualities that will help [students] become leaders in their fields and in their communities.” (Princeton's admissions website, which lists leadership prominently in its section on extracurriculars: “We look for students who make a difference in their schools and communities, so tell us about your leadership activities, interests, special skills and other extracurricular involvements.”). Yale president: “We have to make the hunchy judgment as to whether or not with Yale’s help the candidate is likely to be a leader in whatever he [or she] ends up doing.” before going on to stress that “We are looking for students we can help to become the leaders of their generation in whatever they wish to pursue.”


If you care about something or someone, you will spend a lot of time with or doing that thing, right? Having been in an Urban Design club for 4 years looks better than having been in it for 4 weeks. Though new interests are still welcome - it's also cool that you only just started a Hip-Hop club, but be prepared to explain your motivation to do so in a detailed way.


Admissions officers agree that it is not by repeatedly writing, “I am passionate about [fill in the blank]” in your college essay that you show passion. Instead demonstrate sustained, progressive involvement over a period of time in a few activities.


They want to see leaders and self-starters, people that shake up things in the world. People that aren't afraid to take a big step, it if has the potential to be a success. People who are focused on having an impact. These schools admitted Elon Musk and Bill Gates for a reason. They want to keep admitting these students to build and grow the legacy of the school. They want to admit superstars in their field. If you're the next Obama, they want you.

First, Best, Only

The next rubric to use is First Best Only. If you’re the First to do something, the Best at it, or the Only one who has done it, put it in the application! Examples:

These help you stand out.

My Submission

The activity description allows a small word count so they have to pack a punch - be impressive in a few words. Self-learning a subject/course is below, that counts as one. You want to show a diversity of skills, and interests. Makes for more of an interesting profile.

A little stuck?

Examples of Extra-curricular Activities you can get involved in (growing list):

[The type of ECA: why it's good for you and your application]