💭 My experience and reflections. Columbia rated.
It’s of my favorite places in the world. A very great school for a lot of potential students. Lets look at the rundown by category, but first, some cool music..
- Let me preface by saying every undergraduate class is 4% (~3% for engineering, ~5% for non-eng) of applicants in that cycle. So statistically, we are the cream of the cream of the crop. Now what does that actually mean..
- We are some of the best and most talented 18 year olds in the world. It’s a privilege to be part. There are multiple places with the ‘best’ people in the world. We are simply one.
- Many are cool people, I’m friends with a lot.
- Worryingly successful. Yes we get the top jobs in NYC but at the same time, every person I know has 2 other pursuits they’re passionate about and successful in. Innovators, founders, and game-changers. It’s a hot place to be. A beehive.
- A bunch are very rich and come from lots of money. A lot are also on the less wealthy side and are from families with little history of college. A lot are in the middle.
- Good. Compared to the world, very very good. Most professors are passionate about teaching and most give quality time to help you on work. Your classmates are amongst the top kids in the world for what their interested in, and most are doing knowledge-pushing research/work.
- Very hard. Students are never not complaining. Especially engineering students. The most rigorous in the Ivy League - marginally more doable than MIT and Caltech (which are notoriously the hardest).
- Best Grad/Professional schools in the nation and world. Journalism, Business, Law, Engineering
- Every professor will be a rockstar in their field. Not every professor is a rockstar in the classroom!
- Pretty. Always nice to look at. 9.2/10. Some ugly buildings (lEcon and Law).
- Compact, so it’s really convenient to get around.
- Well connected to public transport. We have a station called ‘116th - Columbia’ which is a 1-5 min walk from dorms, cos the 1st Chief Engineer of the Subway went here.
- Best. The most dynamic city in the world. The best opportunities. Graduates from all colleges move here after graduation. A 4-year headstart is very good.